I started scaling back on work this week and it’s been nice
to have a week without having to go anywhere/any specific plans or things to do
besides deep cleaning the house and catching up on organizing and other chores
that have been on a to do list for way too long. I’m getting tired much more easily now too so
it’s been a blessing to be at home and able to rest when I need to… PLUS
between my mom being here last week and finalizing everything this week, the
nursery is almost complete! We’re just
waiting on the glider to come in, the bumper and crib skirt for the crib, and
need to put some pictures in frames!
the cradle was Patrick's that he slept in when he was baby, and is from his "Aunt" Linda who was the one of the most special people I've ever met. She always told me that she wanted to see our babies in it some day, and while I hate that she isn't here to see it, I love thinking of her every time I look at it. We're using it to hold her stuffed animals/toys/etc
bedding! Still need to get the bumper!
this corner is just waiting for the glider to come in
We had a diaper consultation (oh, the words you never
pictured yourself saying…) with Ivy’s Diaper service on Tuesday. If you have ever considered cloth diapering,
I highly recommend talking with them if you are in Charlotte, or looking around
your own local area for a service there.
I had never really thought about it until one of my good friends
starting using them and after research and speaking to them this week, I
honestly can’t imagine why you wouldn’t at least consider it! The cost compared to buying disposable
diapers is basically even - obviously
you save a TON of money if you wash the diapers yourself and don’t use a
service but that’s a little too much for this mama to take on ;) But like I said, it’s an even cost
comparison, super convenient, better for the environment, easier on baby’s skin
and they are extremely easy to use, not at all like what you would think of as
cloth diapers previously with having to pin them on the sides/etc… PLUS the
diaper covers are cute J
You can cancel the service at any time, there’s no contract so I figured
there’s no harm in at least trying it, if we end up not liking it for some
reason, we can always stop!
Okay, enough on the diaper tangent!
This was 33 weeks, 1 day - Aubrey's last out of town trip this side of the womb ;) no more traveling for this mama. But SO, so glad I got to go to Sarah's wedding in NH last weekend - one of the most beautiful wedding's I've been too and such a great time with the girls!
I’m still feeling pretty much the same as last week and am
basically just in disbelief that we get to meet her so SOON! Whenever I’m driving/waiting in lines/on
planes, really just have any time to daydream during the day I’m thinking about
holding her and what wondering what she’ll be like and look like. I am so excited for holidays this year just
thinking about that she’ll get to be with us for my favorite times in the year
– fall and Christmas. 6 weeks from today
is her due date, I’m getting impatient J