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Thursday, April 18, 2013

~There's no place like home~

It is so great to be home J

We’ll have been here two weeks on Friday and I am just so incredibly happy to be back!  The first weekend we went to Charlotte to meet the movers/go to a doctor’s appointment/ and see friends and I can’t describe the feeling of driving down the streets and walking in Freedom Park with the knowledge that we’ll get to live there again.  I loved Austin, I really did, it’s just that being back and allowing yourself to realize that you’re here to stay is such a great feeling.

This past weekend, we had the 5th Annual Brenda Agnew Memorial Golf Tournament.  Could not have wished for a more beautiful day!  The women of the Bethanny Society at Patrick’s church in High Point do such an amazing job every year of putting this tournament together and it’s always such a great day catching up with everyone and celebrating the memory of Patrick’s mom.  Notice I didn’t mention anything about playing golf… I played the first year and upon that disaster of a performance decided my time was better spent socializing. ;)  Although, my Dad and three friends played and got last place for which they were rewarded with four bottles of wine, so I’m thinking that next year when I’m able to drink wine again, I should maybe go it – I’ll take last place and wine over winning and golf gear any day!

Baby A update:  We went and heard the heartbeat last week – 164 bpm.  He or she was still moving around a lot J  At our next appointment we have an anatomy ultrasound and get to find out if it’s a boy or girl!  I can’t wait to find out… I’m thinking boy, Patrick kind of thinks girl (but I think he’s just saying that to not get his hopes up for a boy, ha!)

I FINALLY have a bump, which I’m really excited about! 

I still just look like I have a stomach now in some clothes, but at least now it’s obvious to people who know me that there’s a baby in there, I haven’t just been letting myself go ;)  I am still craving ice cream pretty much every day, but I keep telling myself that the calories I’m saving by not drinking equal it out! 

Speaking of not drinking – there are an amazing amount of non-alcoholic beers/wines out there for anyone who's currently pregnant/for future reference.  The beer is okay, I’ve had a few different types of alcohol free champagne that are actually pretty good (especially if you make a faux-mimosa, I mean, you really can’t tell!) BUT non-alcoholic cabernet… NOT good.  Actually, it’s awful.  Doesn’t even smell like the real thing.  Don't bother trying it - just eat ice cream instead ;)

What a difference a month makes!  This is 12 weeks compared to today (I’ll be 16 weeks tomorrow) 
Last, an update on our first baby J  Sadie is turning two tomorrow!  Can’t believe the amount of joy this girl has brought into our lives.  Definitely a blessing!
when we first got our girl:
compared to now, so grown up!


Until next time!  xoxo :)

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