About Me

Monday, May 13, 2013

~ tickled pink! ~

It's a GIRL!

We found out Friday morning that we’re having a sweet baby girl!  And even more importantly, she looks as healthy as can be, thank the Lord!

I wanted to do something fun for a little gender reveal so I invited over a few friends in the area, plus my parents and Ellen and Ben to grill out Friday night.  I had everyone pick if they wanted to drink out of a pink or blue cup depending on what they thought we were having.  My sister was the ONLY one who guessed correctly!  I ordered these cute scratch off cards online and had everyone scratch off to reveal if we are having a boy or girl (I had to order both genders obviously and then use the right ones once we found out).


I ordered a cake for dessert too to celebrate our sweet lady J

And made sure to put a pink bow on Sadie and take a photo with our first sweet girl. 

Our family on Mother's Day!

I was a little surprised to find out, I hadn’t had a strong feeling either way but was leaning toward boy.  Although, I had dreams about it being both, and dreamed the night before our appointment that it was a girl. 

Additional updates:

How far along: 19 weeks, 3 days

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 14 lbs… sigh.  I know you’re supposed to be gaining weight, but it’s still kinda hard to see that number!

Maternity clothes: maxi dresses and skirts are my best friends.  Got a few cute pairs of maternity shorts that it was FINALLY warm enough to wear J

Stretch marks: Nope!

Symptoms: I have started to experience my hands and feet falling asleep very often, especially at night – it wakes me up almost every night!  I had no idea was a pregnancy symptom.  Apparently, the baby can be positioned on certain nerve endings that causes this, as can water retention.  Also, the emotional hormones have kicked in… maybe it’s because I’m feeling more attached, especially now that I know this baby is my daughter, not just a baby anymore?  Or maybe it’s just hormone levels fluctuating.  Either way, there were several waterworks sessions this week!

Sleep: not so great due to the numbness/tingling in hands and feet.

Best moment last week: Finding out our baby is healthy, measuring where she should be!

Movement: Yes, a little bit!  Just fluttering and a kind of feeling like she’s rolling around, no full out kicks yet!

What I miss: Wine.  Being able to run longer than three miles without feeling completely worn out.

What I am looking forward to:  registering now that we know the gender!

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