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Friday, March 7, 2014

4 and 5 Months

Dear Aubrey,
It’s completely cliché but you are growing so incredibly quickly!  I remember while I was pregnant thinking about the “someday” when you’d be sleeping through the night, six months old, crawling, walking, then one year old, etc … and thinking that the day for any and all of those milestones was so very far away.  And now you are growing and changing daily, becoming a more active, curious, busy, smiling, FUN baby each moment and it feels like the milestones are hurtling towards me at a ridiculous speed.  For the first time in my life I truly know what it means when people say they wish they could freeze time. 

Don’t get me wrong, I am SO excited for any and all of those milestones and moments ahead and I can’t wait for you to continue to grow and to show you the world, but there are times when I’m holding you after nursing you at night and just tear up because I want you stay my baby forever.  I met a friends newborn baby a week ago and while you are still little, it was insane to see you next to a true newborn and ever since I have been thinking how you won’t be that little again… It’s sad in a way but also makes me cherish every little moment with you because it made me re-realize that every day is just precious.  I am SO, SO happy to be your mommy.  I can’t imagine a world without you and as your Daddy and I navigate this new chapter of our life, we are learning and growing and just so proud of you (and ourselves so far!) 
4 and 5 Month update:

I keep finding myself composing letters in my head to Aubrey, there is so much I want to tell her and want to remember in terms of how I'm feeling/emotions/experiences.  I plan on hand writing her one each year and giving her them when she's older, but thought I might start writing ones at other times as well when the mood strikes... I had a week or two where I was literally so SAD that she was growing up so quickly even though obviously it's amazing... I just missed my little newborn!  But now I am just embracing how much FUN she is at this point and am so incredibly excited for everything to come!

4 months – 12 lbs and 23 ¾ inches long!!
5 Months – 13.1 lbs – not sure of length, but she is growing, growing, growing!

Milestones:  She is changing SOO much/quickly!  (See letter above, lol) Let’s see, by 4 months, she was “standing” on her legs as she’s being held – her legs are getting so strong!  She also is sitting up on her own in her Bumbo, and has giggled a few times!  She also started reaching out for things and grabbing onto things more (noses, toys, hair, etc) 5 Months – she rolled from her stomach to her back!  She is wiggling and moving CONSTANTLY and as soon as she figures out that she can roll to get where she’s going… uh oh.  She also has now started eating oatmeal after her morning nursing session and sits up in her highchair and plays on her own.

Sleep:  She takes a shorter morning nap (usually about 45 minutes to an hour) and a longer afternoon nap (about 2 hours).  She’s going to bed around 7 PM and I still am doing a dream feed.  She has slept completely through the night from dream feed (10:30ish) until 6:30 – 6:45 AM several times!  She wakes up around 3AM but either needs a pacifier or, as of last night, puts herself back to sleep!

Loves/Hates:  LOVES, loves loves Sadie, ha!  She is constantly reaching out for her, wanting to grab her ears, her fur, etc.  If Sadie is in the room, that’s all Aubrey cares about, it’s adorable.  She loves chewing on her fingers, Kindermusik and singing, light up toys, any toy that crinkles, being read to.  Hates being away from mommy… I’m trying to get her in the gym daycare room several times a week and encourage independent play some but there are times if she can’t see me, she gets sad.. which breaks my heart and I don’t want to become a trend!  She also hates not being able to get what she needs/move if she’s on her stomach and sees a toy she wants but can’t reach.  I wouldn’t be surprised if she creeps/crawls sooner rather than later because she gets so frustrated and wants to move so badly!


Firsts: In the past two months, she’s been on her first plane trip (to Austin), experienced her first snow, and slept all the way through the night several times!


Other:  We have our first long weekend just the two of us planned for June!  Super excited, but super nervous about leaving our little one for such a long time!  I’m starting to pump a lot and freeze now so that she has enough while we’re gone! 


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