About Me

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

~Gone to Carolina in my mind…~

We’re coming baaaccckkk…….
(disclaimer: please disregard the shade of blue on this print... it was a gift bought for my husband who somehow prefers this team to the darker blue devil blue... how we married remains a mystery to this day...)

As much as we LOVE Austin, we were always hoping to someday get back to NC… little did we know it would be so soon!  Patrick has an incredible opportunity with a new firm that would’ve been pretty hard to turn down if it had been in the middle of nowhere – the fact that he will have the Southeast region made it a complete no-brainer - we can move home and be near college basketball, the Carolina coast, friends, family and Bojangles (for Patrick, not me... I missed the sweet tea loving gene somehow... yes I'm aware that might make me somewhat un-southern ya'll ;).   A co-worker told me the other day “I bet once you get back, you’ll look back on your time in Austin and think “That was a fun vacation huh?”  lol… it’s probably true.  I HIGHLY recommend a visit here to anyone who hasn’t been to this awesome city, and consider myself blessed to have been able to really spend time here and establish great friends (now I’ll have places to stay when I come back to visit! ;)

I haven’t blogged in a loonnnngggggg time, but I figured since I started the blog when we were preparing to move here, maybe I should pick it back up again in prep for our move back and the next chapter in our lives.  I’m sure we’ll live it up the last month, so wanted to make sure to include a couple more Austin based entries. 

One thing I haven't blogged about but am LOVING here is the Zach Scott Theater.  Anyone who knows me knows I love music theater and I jumped at the chance to volunteer here through the Austin chapter of Junior League.  What makes this so cool is that it's actually a campus of theaters - there are three on the premises.  Two are relatively small, seating only one hundred and two hundred something guests and the larger theater still seats under five hundred, so no matter what, you get a more intimate experience and there isn't a bad seat in teh house.  The larger theater is your typical set up with a stage in front and seating directly facing it.  The other two, however, are unique.  One stage is set up like a peninsula with audience seating surrounding on three sides, and the smallest is actually in the center of the room with the audience completely surrounding the stage.  It gives you such great respect to the actors - if you've ever been in ANY kind of production, you know that it takes getting used to "cheat" out to the audience and make sure you're facing and gesturing in an unnatural way so that the audience can see and hear you.. I can only imagine having to constantly shift to address multiple viewpoints like that!  I volunteer as either an usher or ticket scanner and then get to see most of the shows, which has been so much fun as it's been an incredible opportunity to see plays that I wouln't normally have even heard of or necessarily gone to go see but ended up really enjoying. 

I'm sure we'll be out and about a decent amount this last month or so :)  My parents are coming Easter weekend for a few days for my birthday and my converting to Catholicism (which needs to be a seperate post or maybe seperate blog!). Showing them some more of our favorite places should be a perfect way to end our time here!

Until next time


1 comment:

  1. Congrats Emily! I hope to be joining you in a similar move soon. Moving will def be Chaotic Joy... good luck.
