About Me

Saturday, March 23, 2013

The first three months...

A loonnnggg blog since I haven't been able to blog about anything baby related until now :)

It’s hard to believe that we’re a third of the way to meeting Baby A! I am so, so thankful to not have been nauseous throughout the first trimester… although the fatigue is no joke! As someone who is used to being on the go 24/7 (and who relies on caffeine to do so!) it was a big adjustment to really just go to work, come home and run or go to yoga, and then go to bed.
I’ve been waiting until we told people we’re pregnant to share this. Call it fate, call it positive energy going out and coming back to you, call it what you will, but this is an incredible story that I never want to forget and want to share:
Recently, a co-worker of mine was telling me about how throughout her life, she and her husband wrote down their goals. They didn’t always have to be huge, life long goals, but just things that they wanted or were working for. She said that somehow, she found that writing them down made them come to fruition for whatever reason, being that it commits you to them, puts them out in the universe, makes you think about them more often and pray…whatever the case may be. So I figured why not give it a try? As someone who constantly makes “to do” lists, I’ve found that for whatever reason, writing down what you want to complete and checking them off as you go makes me more productive than if I just think about it in my head… why not try and apply the same logic to other aspects of life, right?
On January 26th, I wrote the following post-it note, and just put it in my purse to carry around with me. It read: “I believe that Patrick will get a new job and I’ll get pregnant and be able to stay at home with the baby for awhile, we’ll raise our children and have a happy family and marriage.. and maybe be in NC again” It’s not eloquent by any means, but it was basically what we were hoping could happen in a perfect world if we were asked “What would you like in your life right now”
Again, that was January 26th. What I found was, that by carrying the post-it around in my wallet where I saw it often, and just by writing it down at all, these things were more present in my mind. I thought about it more and prayed more often.
Two days later, Patrick called his now boss and began the extremely short process of interviewing and accepting a new job offer. Initially, we thought the position might take us to California. Not even a week after he began talking to them, he found out they actually needed someone to cover the Southeast region. So we could move back to North Carolina.
Fast forward a few weeks, Patrick had accepted the job offer and we were in the process of letting our work and friends/family know about our move. I took a pregnancy test on February 19th that was positive J I couldn’t believe it and took three more tests (yes I’m a little crazy) that were all also (of course!) positive.
We are now moving to North Carolina April 3rdand will be able to move back into our house in Charlotte in July. I am STILL blown away by how the timing of everything worked out so beautifully and how blessed we are right now. I’m sure some people will say it’s coincidence, but I’m convinced it’s the power of positive thinking and prayer!
First ultrasound:
I went for what I thought would be my 8 week ultrasound on March 13th. However, as soon as the doctor saw it, she told me she thought I was further along than 8 weeks. In her words “You don’t see arms already this developed/long at 8 weeks…” to which my first thought was “Lady, have you seen Baby’s dad? I think he/she could very well just have long arms!” ;) HA!

After she took a TON of measurements (it’s seriously so incredible what technology can do! )she told me I was more like 10 weeks and 5 days… so almost three weeks further along than I thought! Which was fabulous because I was really not loving keeping this a secret any longer!
Really, I wanted to blog about this experience because it was until this point in my life, the MOST awesome thing I have ever seen. Hands down. In such a short time, this tiny little baby has already started to form with a head, a little body, and arms and hands you can see waving and wiggling around… and it’s growing inside of me! The more I read about how your body just become a perfect environment for growing this tiny being and how it is constantly working to form ears and eyes, and a spinal cord… it’s really the most amazing thing. I was creating a life before I even knew it was there.

Everyone asked if I cried when I saw the ultrasound for the first time and I’m kind of surprised that I didn’t since I cry at EVERYTHING these days… but I was just too in awe. While it was already real and I knew that I was pregnant, actually seeing Baby A and hearing the heartbeat made me realize how precious or she is already and how completely perfect the entire process is.
until next time!

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